Thanks to a grant from both Deal Town Council and Councillor Peter Jull’s DDC Councillor grant, Deal and Walmer Chamber of Trade committee members plus volunteers Helen Baldock and Alfie Hunt (the two brave young people that climbed the 3 stage ladders) were able to put 800 metres of bunting up through the High Street creating a red, white and blue Jubilee feel.
We were only able to put this bunting along the route of our Christmas lighting due to the fact that we had all the fixing points in place and that we had to avoid traffic areas due to height restrictions for busses and trucks.
Everything was done pretty much last minute as we had to wait for the bunting to arrive from a supplier due to the high demand on this product but we got a very competitive price to fit the budget so it was all worth it in the end, Long Live the Queen and thank you for being our sovereign for all those years!
For more information contact us