Whether you know anyone who might be interested, or you would like to come along yourself – you might be interested in a FREE workshop Smugshot are running.
They will be sharing their knowledge to help you use your phone to make your own short videos to promote your organisation, charity or community group. Current research shows that over 80% of traffic on social media is video.
The workshop will be on Monday November 28th from 10am – 2pm, in Deal, this is a one-off only FREE event.
They will share – The secrets of how to easily make your own videos. So you will be able to – Share videos that people will want to watch. As it is FREE to attend, your only cost will be to agree to say a few words to tell them what you think of their workshop.
Your feedback will be used for future plans to apply for funding to run more workshops next year. This is part of their local community support programme, the Smugshot Academy’s mission is to help as many local community organisations as possible, share their story to build awareness, raise funds and reach out to more people. Anyone who would like to come along – please email your name and organisation to Lesley.philp@gmail.com
Closing date is Friday 4th November. – So don’t hang around, do it now! The number of places will be limited.
Based on the interest they have had already, they expect there may be more people who want to come along than places, if that happens, they will pick names out of a hat, don’t miss this great one off opportunity, al you need to bring along on the day is your phone, a smile and a willingness to learn.