The Chamber will be holding their annual auction to raise money for the Deal & Walmer lights Friday 18th November at Deal Angling Club; we intend selling kind donations from the shops, businesses and members of the public in the hope to raise around £2000.
We were at Deal market on Saturday 29th October collecting items and donations and letting people know about the auction, it was amazing the amount of people that still believe that the local council put up the lights! The traders, Chamber Board and their volunteers put these up and they have also mainly funded the lights with appeals for matched funding for extending them during lockdown backed by Deal Town Council and Dover District Council which we were thankful for.
On the Saturday, we collected £47 from members of the public, we received 4 offers from businesses for auction lots and many pledges of saleable items from people turning out their lofts or downsizing saying that will be calling us, one gent delivered a large box of china, CDs and DVD’s that very evening.
If you missed us at the market but you have anything saleable, be it unwanted presents or unused impulse purchases then you can help keep Deal sparkling by letting the chamber sell these, please either e-mail us at enquiries@dwchamber.co.uk or call Peter on 07540 973162 if you need drop these off or if you want us to collect the item or items!