Once again Deal and Walmer Chamber of Trade have lit up Deal High Street with a magical display of Christmas Lights and Trees. For over thirty years the Chamber of Trade and its team of dedicated volunteers have provided Christmas Lights for Deal.
This year’s event 2023 took place outside St Georges Church and was exceedingly well attended. You could really feel the crowds enjoying the pre light switch on entertainment which gave the event a lovely high energy vibe.
Live Music, Dancing Elves, Father Christmas a Pantomime Dame all gave their time free along with Deals Lord Mayor to keep the large crowds entertained. The snow from the snow machines just added to the wonderful Christmas atmosphere.
Our Local Hero this year who switched the lights on was Peter Davis. Peter served as secretary to The Deal and Walmer Chamber of Trade for twelve years. Peter not only dedicated his time as a volunteer of The Christmas Lights team but also raised a considerable amount of money for the lights.
Fund raising for next year’s lights is already underway with The Deal and Walmer Chamber of Trade Christmas Raffle Draw. There are some fantastic prizes donated by local businesses and tickets are available from many businesses around the town. The draw will take place during Deal Radio’s Saturday Drop In show on the 23rd December Live on air.
All monies from the fund raising go towards supporting and expanding the Christmas Lights in Deal. The next Light Switch On event will be on Saturday 23rd November 2024.
The Chamber are looking for some extra for volunteers to give a hand with this wonderful yearly community event. If feel you could support with a few hours of your time and would like to be part of this event or want to know more about the Chamber then please contact us email
Many thanks to Chris Mansfield Photography for taking some wonderful photos on the night.